Weinlehrpfad Bopparder Hamm Walk
This walk has its start and finish at the large wine barrel at the level crossing “Peternach” on the B9, about 1 ½ km just outside of Boppard, going towards Koblenz. The walk is approx. 11,3 km over paved roads. On this walk you can convince yourself that the work of the Boppard wine-growers is still very strenuous, despite the fact that the vineyards have been divided into terraces with roads for easier access . The route takes you through the different wineyards with names such as: Fässerlay, Mandelstein, Weingrube and Feuerlay. It is especially interesting to see the different methods of growing the vines, such as the single pole method, the wire-framework method and the “Trierer Rad” (Trier Wheel) which you can easily view. The Boppard Hamm is also very famous for its almost “Mediterranean” climate. From these heights you have a unique panoramic view of the course of the Rhine, the villages of Osterspai and Filsen and of Boppard. On the route there are plenty of resting places and benches. We recommend you visit one of the many fine wine taverns in Boppard, giving you the perfect ending to your walk and allowing you to try some Riesling or one of the other vines sorts from Bopparder Hamm.
Weinlehrpfad Bopparder Hamm Walk - 207 kB